Sparkledriver 0.1.10
Released under the Eclipse Public License
A clojure wrapper for jBrowserDriver, which is a Selenium-compatible wrapper around JFX embedded WebKit.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[sparkledriver "0.1.10"]
Public variables and functions:
- accept-alert
- all-windows
- attachments-dir
- attr
- available-log-types
- browser-cookies->map
- browser-options
- cache-dir
- clear-text!
- click!
- click-all!
- close-browser!
- css-value
- current-url
- current-window
- delete-all-cookies!
- delete-cookie!
- dismiss-alert
- displayed?
- enabled?
- execute-script
- execute-script-async
- fetch!
- find-by-class
- find-by-class*
- find-by-css
- find-by-css*
- find-by-id
- find-by-tag
- find-by-tag*
- find-by-xpath
- find-by-xpath*
- id
- inner-html
- location
- logs
- make-browser
- maximize-window
- media-dir
- outer-html
- page-source
- page-text
- page-wait
- rectangle
- screenshot
- selected?
- send-text!
- set-cookie!
- size
- status-code
- submit-form!
- switch-to-alert
- switch-to-window
- tag
- text
- title
- with-browser